Monday, September 14, 2009

Rouge somer orange honey ale. Hazy orange with mild yeast smell. Slight citrus and honey taste, not great after a few sips. Bit disappointed. Not bad though

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New belgium la folie. 7.50 10Oz goblet at hopleaf. Surprisingly dark, strong sour apple smell, tart and delicious. if you can find it, get it

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Horchata, 2.10 for 32 oz. Flask of skyy vodka, who cares, 6 oz. Perfect afternoon drink, whether en route to cubs game or en route to bus en route to detroit.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Founders peppercorn pale. 5% Abv, $4 for a pint at brewpub in grand rapids. Well balanced, perfect drink after 3 hr drive. I cant feel my ears ringing from isis anymore

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cleveland Steamers

Decided to try some beers from Cleveland's Great Lakes Brewery while watching what we expected to be (and was) the Cavaliers last game against the Falcons. 

The Centaur tried the Edmund Fitzgerald porter, 5.8 abv, $8 for a six pack. Easy to pour with a nice head, the beer had very little smell but a decent dark coffee / rootbeer color. Held up to our patented opacity-testing-green-chandelier-of-class, the beer did allow some light through, always a bit of a bummer when dealing with a porter. The letdowns continued. Dear Edmund didn't have a shit-ton of flavor, pretty run of the mill in our final assessment. Judged. Condemned. Consumed. P seconded the run-of-the-mill status, but did like the slighty burned toast smell, and thought its mellow flavor would be good for someone trying to like porters but not ready for some of the more bold varieties. 

Next up was the Grassroots Ale, a Saison style brew with chamomile, 6.2 abv, $9 for six. Honeyed amber color with a very pleasant mashed banana and sour floral smell. Tastes like potpourri that I want to drink. And I could definitely drink a shitload of this. Worth trying, though C says it tastes like every beer in Germany. 

Game notes: Early on, C said Atlanta looks like a shitting-your-pants college team playing against the big boys buuuuut...then Cleveland thought they'd make things interesting by missing every other shot, and letting Atlanta go on fucking 3 minute scoring runs. 

2 beer monday

2 beers tonight. Port Brewing's Old Viscosity, an oak aged ale produced in Cali, and Red Hook's Double Black Coffee Stout. $8 and $3, respectively, for a 22 oz bottle. 

Old Viscosity was blacker than 3 day old sludge at the bottom of a coffee press, and described by the Centaur as smooth goin down with an intense smoky oak flavor. "Now thats a fucking meal. The darkest beer I've ever had." When held up to the light, nothing could be seen but inky darkness. It is the black hole of beers. 

Even though it is now spring, I thought I'd give one more coffee stout a go. Not really a microbrew given that it is distributed by Anheuser-Busch in 48 states, but hey, good just to find out if the beer we usually drink is better than the mass produced stuff.  The verdict? For 3 bucks a bottle...well it tasted like it was fairly priced. Unremarkable, but nice enough next to an open window on a rainy monday evening. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Stuck in an airport, fuck my life. Dock Street IPA. $10 for 22oz. Nice dark amber color, smells like relief. Ability to keep me from full on freakout, 7/10.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Pan and The Centaur. 

A data analyst and an engineer, undertaking the incredible burden of reviewing movies, music, beer and cultural phenomena in the basest ways possible. 

Grammar, political correctness, your feelings, and solipsistic onanism are of no concern to us. 

Though similar in some respects, we are wildly divergent creatures, which will make for some interesting observations. Doomriders are the tie that binds us. 

Due to the inherently subjective nature of our opinions - nay, JUDGEMENTS - we find no use for the standard ordinal scale. Instead, we will be using several metrics, whose inner-workings are a mystery, even to us.  Take for instance, the patented "swoll-o-meter." This ranks how amped an album gets you to lift weights and drink beer in your underwear. A rating of "full on doomriders" would indicate that you can really, really get swoll to this music. On the other end of the spectrum would be "deep fried burritos" aka "chimichangas" which can be awesome on their own merits, but cause you to barely be able to lift yourself off the couch, let alone pound some brews and rip out a few sets.  Then there are some bands better suited for the "getting-drunk-on-whisky-and-tea-while-reading-the-new-yorker-0-meter" which is still under beta testing. And no, we will not call "whisky and tea" a "hot toddie." Who the fuck is todd? And whats with the cutesy nickname? 

Confused? Don't be. All will be revealed with time. 

This will most likely occupy our attention for a fortnight or two, so enjoy it while it lasts. Or don't. Fuck it.